Course Duration: 30 Days
Mode of Training: Online
Certificate: YES
Course Content:
1. C Basics
- C Language Introduction
- Features of C Programming Language
- C Programming Language Standard
- C Hello World Program
- Compiling a C Program: Behind the Scenes
- C Comments
- C Tokens
- Keywords
2. C Variables and Constants
- C Variables
- Constants in C
- Const Qualifier in C
- Scope rules in C
- Internal Linkage and External Linkage in C
- Global Variables in C
3. C Data Types
- Data Types in C
- Literals in C
- Escape Sequence in C
- bool in C
- Integer Promotions in C
- Character Arithmetic in C
- Type Conversion in C
4. C Input/Output
- Basic Input and Output in C
- Format Specifiers in C
- printf in C
- scanf in C
- Scansets in C
- Formatted and Unformatted Input/Output functions in C with Examples
5. C Operators
- Operators in C
- Arithmetic Operators in C
- Unary operators in C
- Operators in C | Set 2 (Relational and Logical Operators)
- Bitwise Operators in C/C++
- C Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators in C
- Increment and Decrement Operators in C
- Conditional or Ternary Operator (?:) in C
- sizeof operator in C
- Operator Precedence and Associativity in C
6. C Control Statements
- Decision Making in C / C++ (if , if..else, Nested if, if-else-if )
- C – if Statement
- C if…else Statement
- C if else if ladder
- Switch Statement in C
- Using Range in switch Case in C
- C – Loops
- C for Loop
- while loop in C
- ..while Loop in C
- For Versus While
- Continue Statement in C
- Break Statement in C
- goto Statement in C
7. C Functions
- User-Defined Function in C
- Parameter Passing Techniques in C
- Function Prototype in C
- main Function in C
- Implicit return type int in C
- Callbacks in C
8. C Arrays
- Properties of Array in C
- Multidimensional Arrays in C
- Initialization of a multidimensional arrays in C/C++
- Pass Array to Functions in C
- How to pass a 2D array as a parameter in C?
- What are the data types for which it is not possible to create an array?
- How to pass an array by value in C ?
- Strings in C
- Array of Strings in C
- What is the difference between single quoted and double quoted declaration of char array?
- C String Functions
9. C Pointers
- Pointer Arithmetic in C with Examples
- C – Pointer to Pointer (Double Pointer)
- Function Pointer in C
- How to declare a pointer to a function?
- Pointer to an Array | Array Pointer
- Difference between constant pointer, pointers to constant, and constant pointers to constants
- Pointer vs Array in C
- Dangling, Void , Null and Wild Pointers
- Near, Far and Huge Pointers in C
- restrict keyword in C
10. C User Defined Data Types
- C Structures
- dot (.) Operator in C
- C typedef
- C Unions
- Difference Between Structure and Union in C
- Enumeration (or enum) in C
11. C Storage Classes
12. C Memory Management
13. C File Handling